Chicago Faucets Learning Center

Wall-mount Faucet Installation: What you Need to Know

Written by Guest Post | Aug 5, 2019 8:07:40 PM

How do you install a wall-mount faucet?

Wall-mount faucets, as the name implies, mount to the wall behind a sink, appearing as though they're floating over the sink. 

They are a popular choice in school, medical, and commercial applications, in both restrooms and kitchens.

When the sleek design options are combined with backsplashes, they become a sleek design element. In addition, wall-mount faucets are available in touch-free styles that further contribute to a clean, stylish design. Wall-mount faucets also make it easier to clean the sink area and provide room to access the sink for hand washing and other tasks.

Wall-mount faucets can be more challenging to install than deck-mount faucets, however, we fully believe that beautiful and functional design is worth a little extra work. Here are 6 things to know in order to avoid problems before, during, and after wall-mount faucet installation.

Meet the Alpina wall-mounted faucet that architects are loving.

1. Alignment

Because the plumbing comes through the wall, wall-mount faucets require quite a bit of planning and spacing estimating before installation occurs. Here’s why.

First, the hardware is installed at the beginning of construction, while the wall is still exposed. Second, wall-mount faucets are installed between two wall studs. The studs and plumbing must be in alignment with where the sink, cabinetry, countertop, backer board, backsplash tile, and anything else that impacts the way the faucet and sink align are to be placed. If the studs and plumbing don’t line up as planned, they’ll have to be moved, an expensive and time-consuming project that’s best avoided. Barring that, the sink and its accouterments will be out of alignment, and the design appeal you’ve worked so diligently to achieve will be spoiled.

2. Height

To meet ADA standards, counter tops can be no taller than 36 inches. It’s important to keep in mind that the higher it is placed from the sink, the more challenging it is to control the water stream, resulting in splashing. Because the mounting hardware is installed before the faucet and because the shape of the faucet is a factor in both ease of use and splash, there isn’t a lot of room for error or easy adjustment once installation is complete.

Our Alpina Series touch free wall-mount faucets include robust installation frames that offer significant installation advantages in that all key components, including the mounting plate for the wall-mount faucet, sink fastening beam, control box, and drain, are height-adjustable. This means that the wall-mount system can be easily, safely, and reliably adapted to suit virtually any installation situation. Once heights are determined, it’s easy to match every other frame to the same exact heights. So, all faucets and sinks are centered and leveled.

3. Reach

Because wall-mount faucets extend from the wall, they are set farther back from the sink than deck-mount faucets. The difference can be several inches. This means that reach—the distance the faucet extends from the wall—is as important as height. A short reach can make the set up a little uncomfortable for children, adults with short reaches, or if the faucet is combined with a very large sink. Fortunately, wall-mount faucets typically range from 6 to 12 inches in length, so there are plenty of options available for a variety of sinks and depths. But it’s important to keep reach in mind and take some measurements before making a selection to ensure a good fit. If you need guidance, consult with your designer and/or the faucet manufacturer or dealer.

4. Splashing

As previously noted, installing the faucet too high above the sink may cause excessive splashing on the wall and floor, as well as clothing. Once the faucet is installed and excessive splashing still persists, you can try adding a different faucet aerator to eliminate the problem.

With our Alpina touch-free, wall-mount faucets, splash can be tested and eliminated with the adjustable crossbar. The crossbar allows the distance between the faucet and the sink to be set with precision during installation to provide adequate space when using the sink

5. Wall Surface

Wall surface options are a simple consideration because the faucet is supported by the plumbing pipes. A stable, waterproof backer board will do the trick. The backsplash can be as simple as waterproof paint, as traditional as tile, or as contemporary as stone slab. Alignment is so important that it bears repeating: If the backsplash is tile, take care that the grout lines are aligned with the faucet so that everything is centered. Similarly, if you’re using a stone slab backsplash, the holes for the tap and handles must be perfectly centered.

6. Maintenance, Repair and    Replacement

Because plumbing for wall mount faucets is built directly into the wall, maintenance, repair and/or replacement can be time consuming and expensive.

Alpina touchless wall-mount faucets have design features that make access easier. The electronics and water supply connections are housed in easy-to-reach, compact control boxes below deck for an easy-to-install, easy-to-service solution. For example, the faucets are available with or without mixers for added flexibility, and temperature is easily adjusted with a screwdriver. The control box, concealed within a carrier and covered with a surface-mount cover plate, also serves to protect these elements from moisture and tampering. Spouts are interchangeable and easy to update or replace.

Overall, wall-mount faucets are an attractive choice for kitchen and bathroom sinks—creating a look that’s both contemporary and timeless. To ensure that your investment lasts for years, do your research, choose a high-quality faucet with solid brass construction from a reputable manufacturer and purchase it from a highly regarded dealer that also supplies replacement parts. In the end, a wall-mount faucet is a feature that is both beautiful and functional.