Why Educational Institutes Need Smart Restrooms

Hand holding a smart device to control fixtures in educational institutes' smart restrooms

For elementary schools and post-secondary educational institutes, smart restrooms are the wave of the future. While building managers and decision-makers look for ways to reduce operational costs, installing smart restroom technology is also better for the environment.   

There are nearly 4,000 post-secondary educational facilities in America and approximately 130,900 grade K-12 schools (both public and private). Imagine the positive environmental impact if these facilities installed smart technologies in the building's restrooms.

Key Takeaways:

  • Restrooms are one of the most used places in schools and higher educational institutions. Smart restrooms reduce risks associated with touching soiled surfaces.
  • About 74% of people agree that dirty restrooms indicate the rest of the facility does not get cleaned properly.
  • Avoid wasteful spending by installing eco-conscious fixtures with fully programmable flow rates throughout the facility.
  • With smart restroom technologies, you can use analytics and usage trends for setting flow rates and other parameters.

7 Reasons Why Educational Facilities Need Smart Restrooms  

In 2019, experts valued the global smart bathroom market at $3.0 billion. The compound annual growth rate (CAGR) will continue to climb at the rate of 10.5% through 2027. These smart restroom products reflect residential and commercial applications. 

Bar graph of the CAGR of smart restroom technology


Smart restrooms for institutes have some significant benefits beyond a positive environmental impact. Here are seven reasons schools and post-secondary institutes need smart restroom technology:

1. Restroom Traffic 

Restrooms are one of the most highly-used spaces in commercial buildings, like schools. Students use the lavatory multiple times daily and touch many commonly used surfaces throughout the process. That makes school restrooms hot spots for virus transmission. 

Smart restroom technologies, like automatic dispensers, help keep these spaces cleaner. Furthermore, commercial-grade fixtures ensure these smart technologies also withstand the wear and tear of high-traffic facilities.

2. Need for Hygienic Spaces   

According to a recent survey published by IoT For All, three-quarters (74%) of users agree that restrooms that are not clean indicate that the rest of the facility is dirty. Many assume the kitchen in the school is also unhygienic.  

Unlike front desks, restrooms lack attendants to ensure cleanliness and address hygiene issues. Janitors work to maintain the hygiene of these spaces. However, it can be a challenge to address every issue promptly. 

Commercial restrooms often get cleaned on a schedule, not based on use. That means germs can spread from one person to the next before a janitor can clean contaminants from surfaces.


3. Outdated Cleaning Procedures   

If you have ever walked into a restroom and seen the sanitation clipboard marked by the person who supposedly cleaned the space at the time indicated on the sheet, you have witnessed outdated processes. 

There is no way to verify that someone didn't simply sign their initials without thoroughly cleaning the area. Digitalizing cleaning schedules and task completion verification will ensure these spaces get cleaned and not only marked that they were. 

Smart restroom technology updates these processes in other ways as well. There are self-cleaning toilets and urinals to ensure complete waste removal. There are even toilet and urinal materials that resist stains and debris build-up. 

Install fixtures made from antimicrobial materials that are germ-resistant. There are even certain metals with antimicrobial properties, like copper. These fixtures reduce the risk of cross-contamination and help students and faculty avoid contact with harmful germs.

4. Avoiding Wasteful Spending  

With restrooms being the most highly used room in an educational institute, it is the area of the building that uses the most water (along with kitchens and laboratories). WaterSense certified products help reduce water waste by maximizing water conservation. 

These fixtures use 30% less water on average without sacrificing performance. This water savings also equates to energy savings and lower utility costs, reducing overall operational costs.

5. Enhancing User Experience  

The cleanliness of a restroom has a direct impact on business. Schools are businesses too. That is especially true for private schools and post-secondary educational institutions, as students have a choice about enrolling at your facility. 

Furthermore, students who have a negative experience in the restroom are less likely to order food from the school's food court. Smart restroom initiatives immediately boost student and faculty satisfaction throughout the entire facility.

Infograph of how poor restroom conditions negatively impact business

6. Analyzing Usage Trends

Smart restrooms have the tools to analyze usage trends for strategic fiscal planning. If you are interested in reducing costs, saving money, and ensuring faucet upkeep, consider investing in fully programmable faucets and fixtures that allow you to monitor usage and set flow rates accordingly. 

These smart faucets also allow you to forecast future energy expenses. It does this by giving you insights to help you make data-driven decisions about financial management. View this data in a user-friendly format for analysis. Use these insights to determine:

  • Usage patterns
  • Peak hours
  • Maintenance schedules
  • Water consumption

7. Smart Technologies are Available Now

Transforming a standard restroom into a smart lavatory is no longer the mysterious undertaking it once was. Smart fixtures with connected software successfully turn schools and educational institutes into healthy buildings that are good for students, faculty, visitors, the local community, and the environment. 

Mobile devices and Smart sensor technologies enable seamless integration that simplifies installation and adoption. In a post-pandemic world, with a heightened awareness of building hygiene, you can give users peace of mind knowing that health and safety are at the forefront of facility managers' priorities. 

Installing smart restroom technology makes it easier for building managers to meet the public's expectations and is not only good for students and staff. It also promotes operational efficiencies.

Smart Restroom Technology at Chicago Faucets   

At Chicago Faucets, we have durable and sustainable smart restroom fixtures that allow you to monitor usage, set flow rates, and opt for metering functions with your touchless commercial restroom faucets. Not only are our plumbing products better for the environment, but they are ready to handle the wear and tear of high-traffic facilities like schools and educational institutes. 

Is it time to join the smart restroom trend and upgrade your facility's fixtures? Contact us today to learn more about our smart faucets. 

Topics: Innovation in building technology, Educational Institutes Smart Restrooms, restrooms for institutes, smart restrooms